samedi 12 mars 2011


reverend charlie jackson/wrapped up, tangled up in jesus


cantor mordechai hershmann/witness the fabulous change in his voice at 3.46, and then again at 6. .... try to imagine how he manages to reach some unknown kind of falsetto without any visible effort ...


very rare footage of a jewish rural community (a shtetl) in poland/exquisite music by sufjan stevens


old bob dylan, chicago, 2009: strangest version ever of forgetful heart


can you believe that? ... .... crazy sensual/spiritual stuff ... something like i shall be released mixed up with lay lay lady lay .... how is it possible not to love it?

i shall be released/providence, rhode island, 1997
absolutely sweet marie, ravin' and swayin' and rockin' rare song from blonde on blonde ... philadalphia, august 1997

mercredi 9 mars 2011

emmett miller, country minstrel

i'm trying to figure out which voices, back or white, are closest to heaven ... men acting as women, whites disguised as blacks, spiritual singers closing their eyes on the world ...
here's the first one of them, the one and only emmett miller, inventor of the freakiest yodel ever ...

armstrong as black minstrel

...or queer sexual minstrel?

sam cooke, r h harris's pupil

lots of soul stirrers lovers always thought he did not sing as well as his professor, rh harris... as much as i love sam cooke, i have to agree ...

emmett miller, black minstrel

oliver hardy, black minstrel

travesti racial ou travesti sexuel...ou les deux à la fois ... et si c'était une seule et même chose ... devenir noir, devenir femme, devenir étrange ...

lazy moon/laurel & hardy (1931)

lundi 7 mars 2011

baby blue 2010

portsmouth 2000

"what kind of house is this," he said,
"where I have come to roam? "
"it’s not a house," said judas priest,
"it’s not a house . . . it’s a home"

best ever live version of frankie lee and judas priest

trying to get to heaven


a hard rain's a gonna fall/sugar baby/philadelphia,november 2001 he never ever had sung these songs before ...


....... i'll be staying here with you

surrealistic swaying swing

when sam cooke ...

.... heard blowin' in the wind, he said black people should have a song like this ... so he wrote a change is gonna come ... the strange feeling when i hear both versions is that even if i damn know bob dylan is singing sam cooke's words and music, i can't help but think it's the opposite ... and that sam cooke is singing a dylan song ... what if he was?

a change is gonna come/sam cooke, bob dylan

rock'n roll 1944

is you or is you ain't my baby?/louis jordan (1944) ... ... .... all that jazz happened before anything (bill haley, elvis, carl perkins) happened ... anything white, i mean ... there was a time for a black paradise, a black garden of eden ...or so it seems ...

" invraisemblable ou pas, crois-moi, c'est la vérité -et il n'y en a pas deux ..."