le JUIF DE LASCAUX est demandé un peu partout, au MOMA de new york, a la viennale, peut-être je l'enverrai, je ne sais pas ... je m'en fous un peu, j'ai la flemme .... en plus, depuis qu'edouard waintrop, qui avait adoré le film, l'a refusé à la quinzaine en me faisant juste parvenir une lettre-type, tout ce monde là me dégoûte un peu ....
45 commentaires:
et vos rares spectateurs qui souhaiteraient le voir?
ah ah ah
Euh, Louis, sans vouloir vous offenser, c'était pas plutôt à la projection de Skorecki devient producteur ?...
non, il a refusé LE JUIF, ce con de cinéphile/patron
Je parlais des rires dans la salle...
ah oui, je comprends ... tu as raison, petit fantome, les rires c'est pour SP
mes rares spectateurs attendront, ni les acteurs du film, ni les techniciens ne l'ont encore vu .... il semble que je dissimule de plus en plus mes rares films, même SKORECKI DEVIENT PRODUCEUR dont la seule projection parisienne privée avait enthousiasmé la salle, qui se tordait de rire aux bons moments, un pur plaisir pour moi ...
Les prochains rires, ce sera pour Skorecki membre du jury ? rappelez-vous votre programme, Louis : 7 films en 7 ans. Toujours le chiffre 7...
eh casper, skorecki membre du jury, c'est déjà dans SKORECKI DEVIENT PRODUCTEUR, tu as oublié?
Euh, oui, c'est vrai. Ben, j'avais oublié.
edouard waintrop a été mon collégue et ami à LIBERATION plus de vingt ans ... il est venu voir LE JUIF chez moi et l'a adoré ... deux mois plus tard, c'est par un e lettre type qu'on m'a annoncé que non, désolé, la QUI?NZAINE n'en voulait pas ...
un mois ou deux plus tard, il s'asseoit à notre table à une terrasse (il passait par là) et parle de cinéma à ma femme pendant une heure ... riern ne s'est passé, n'est ce pas ... j'étais sur le cul, abasourdi, flippé, muet ... incapable de dire un mot ...
Carry on, dear Louis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjtPBjEz-BA
et votre film sur cette fille à vélo?
LA PIMBECHE VELO is finished ... no one EVER saw this stupid "rozier" girlie film yet ... music and songs by april march, one hour twenty minutes, longest of my latest (last??) TRILOGY ...didn't even direct it, just supervised and finished it when the "director", nv*****, walked out on me
... it was the first of these three films ...
Dommage, Rozier c'est bien des fois.
la pimbeche, c'est bien aussi ... aussi bien que rozier ...
mieux meme ...
They don't know nothing about it, Louis... now really, carry on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P92sz1xQkYA
And by the way, does la pimbeche looks like kathleen? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIi4cAK1vik
i get it now, townes van zandt is ok with me ... no la pimbeche looks like la pimbeche, like she did in CINEPHILES 3 n....
And besides of the personal feeling in the Quinzaine affair, nowadays we don't get surprised by what they left out... it would surprise me if LE JUIF was there, if this supermarket-festival had any interest in cinema (it's a beautiful story, cinema... beautiful and forgotten, as someone often said). If they don't want: worst for them and the times.
Louis, we all want a teaser of a scene of LE JUIF!
i get it even more now, merci pour ces mots doux ... et terriblement justes ... they do ring true to me ... no teaser for the time being, just the photo diapo, the only two teasers i have, for the time being .?..
i'd forgotten how townes sounds rtue and sad to me, although i have ALL his records and more ... was a time my ears only liked his sound, no dylan, a little will oldham, only living soul soundnd as "true" to me as townes these days ...
<iframe width="620" height="505" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/cEU0L6EEJAs"
le juif de lascaux est passé au FID à Marseille, jolis souvenirs .... et quelques phrases douces d'emile breton (l'humanité) et vincent ostria (les inrocks) pour ne pas oublier tout à fait ....
check this second "clip" for the JEW
all i can listen to these days is this short oldham/ bonnie prince billy strictly one man lp, only avaibable on vinyl through a complicated mail order in america ... ... .... and townnes sad sweet voice from the grave... as i said, hardly any dylan ... old billie holiday is ok with me too ... and that's all ....
Really miss you first year of club skorecki, dear Louis... it really had the greatest sounds for a quiet long here... (and thanks for what you said about oldham in d'où viens-tu, dylan?... a portuguese critic who interviewed oldham when he was there read it for him... he was very flattered about!)
hey, hey, know what you mean ... it's just that i got fed up with my blog a year or two after i started it ....i'm reeally pleased and happy about will's reaction to what i wrote ... anyway my favourite place ever for showing my films will forever be LISBOA .... if you know how to reach this portugese critic, i'd love to tell him i love oldham more and more especially his autopruced 2014 solo lp ....
now i've started writing again ... won't last long ... so start answering, people ...
You've probably know him, Louis: it's Luis Miguel Oliveira from the Cinemateca.
Take a look: http://www.publico.pt/culturaipsilon/noticia/will-oldham-declara-vitoria-1675972
oliveira + will oldham, two of the most beautiful persons ever .... merci l'ami (who are you, by the way?)
merci, merci, merci, anonimo (tou é portougué?)
I'm Brazilian, Louis, but very fond of the Portuguese... I do understand french, but can't write though (even the english is poor).
Just thought that an account was needed here, because of this the anonyme. Just found the "Nom" (you know, I wasn't made for these things)
It's been me since the Van Zandt. All the best for you!
merci pour tout kemikski (polish orignin, like me, maybe ...))
polish for sure, Louis, although my great-grandparetns came to brazil from ukraine... in the early twenties. nobody talks about this around here, so we only discover things through photos...
a polish jew, i am myself, although born in "france" (gürs, FRENCH concentration camp, waouh), parents from lodz and sczscein, ... they met in prison as both were fervent communists ... my father came in 1936 in france to fight wth the republicans against fascist france : all this they NEVER NEVER told me, i learnt all that by a friend of mamma, at least ten years after they both died, when i was young (27) ... ... ...
That's still fifteen years yet here for something like that (I'm 21). What a story, Louis, and it keeps me thinking whether there's a past like this here or the prosaic ukrainians coming's tale: the only desire for fertile fields.. you know, sometimes a place to build a house it's all somebody needs. At least, it was for them... so LE JUIF revolves around these impressive past of yours, Louis? I have only seen the trois cinéphiles and skorecki déménage...
past, present, future, .... even now i hardly understand LE JUIF.... je pleure en lisant vos commentaires, je suis entre les mains d'un rimbô juif, non? ... d'un lautréamont pré-sadien? d'un enfant-père ... merci, merci, ne cherchez pas le sens, envoyez moi un souffle de vie du haut de vos 21 a ans, svp ... passé, présent, futur: des mots ... je souffre d'une antique mpaladie, celle des derniers mlaitres hassidiques ... la tristesse, la monotonie maniaque, la maladie des grands deéoressifs ?....
.. ... ... vivez, aimez, run as far away from me as you may .. .. ...
je vous aime d'un amour juif éploré sans retour ...
partez ailleurs, là pù la vie règne: éden, ede, arabie ....
passado, presente e futuro... there aren't movies like that anymore, you know? I want to see it, really, really... this is a beautiful and humble statement towards one's own work. and from what I could understand (french even poor than english), you're in fact talking about yourself, mon père-enfant, cause i've noticed something in you, Louis: there's no difference between your eyes and the ones of the kids filmed by you in cinéphiles 3 and skorecki deménage... this strikes me deeply, you know... cause you're still the youngest walking around barefoot with that box in skorecki déménage (keatonesque eyes, presence and space), you're the only able to understand and hear a child in those place... the only... cause you know languages hardly anyone else does... let me tell you, once I've read these two souffle de vie: "..because he who cannot laugh is dead" and "a child who does not smile, his heart ain't good", so oublie les mots: tristesse, maladie, éploré... forget keaton mouth and live, smile and love too, far away or not from here... please keep in mind: the most importante is that LE JUIF exists, that's really something, my friend! dont' worry about anything else... believe: it's not a interest only shared by you... even if it's hard to understand how I know, I'm very sure that life reigns in LE JUIF DE LASCAUX more than any film in Cannes ...no matter if I ever gonna see it one day... I just happen to know, I'll always say it for those who wants to hear it, nobody can take this out of me... even you... my best wishes, dear Louis, for you and your family!
Louis, if you don't want to publish this first commentary, that's no problem for me. I just wanted to tell you all that, I couldn't just ignore your last response to me... nevertheless, don't be sad, you're not alone (and one day, if you want, I could tell you extensively why you'll never be)... I'm not gonna run, I can't, I've been here for quite some time, you know... anyway, I respect your silence too if you want mine as well... so I'm glad for these words we've have changed, if they ever be the only ones, I must say it really means a lot for me, you can't bet how... if you ever want to reach me in other way, here's my e-mail: mkerniski@gmail.com (can you hide this commentary because of the e-mail? I'm kind of the private type, so thanks a lot!). abraços, matheus.
magnifique cet échange entre vous deux
i've been sadly sick, kemiski, so you'll have to wait for answers
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